2025-03-12 05:42:41 BUCKETLIST


List1 : Find gold, silver or a meteorite with a metal detector.2 : Experience low-earth orbit and see Earth from high above.3 : Make a soap bubble Tesseract with a 3D print gun.4 : Eat strange food often.5 : Be at the 2020 Olympics in Japan.6 : Jump in the bed.7 : Be outside for a full day without meeting anybody.8 : Live in Punxsutawney groundhog day.9 : Learn to walk on hands.10 : Wear a costume to my party.11 : Have a fun St. Hans bonfire.12 : Pick up a bouquet of wildflowers and give them to someone.13 : Have no fear.14 : Participate in the Burning Man festival.15 : Tag continuously IRL with crayon and take pictures of it.16 : Write love with flowers then take a picture of it.17 : Write a bucket list.18 : Take a walk in the rain and share my smile.19 : Climb Preikestolen then base jump off.20 : Complete my IM tattoo.21 : Make mupcakes or just cupcakes with my children often.22 : Make my best friends dream come true.23 : Live long enough to dance with my daughter at her wedding.24 : Cover a car in post-it stickers.25 : Spend a day blindfolded.26 : Cliff diving head first.27 : Learn to be invisible.28 : Have a summer snowball fight.29 : Say yes to everything for a whole day.


List30 : Live in another country again.31 : Kiss behind a waterfall.32 : Attend a production of Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro.33 : Start a Rǝʌoןution.34 : Follow the rhythm of Nature.35 : Have original thoughts.36 : Breathe air just one more time.37 : Get done what I’m waiting to do.38 : Make the best ‘Today’.39 : Hold my head high.40 : Do aerial acrobatics over the Amazon rainforest.41 : Be as strong as the seas are stormy.42 : Be the answer |42|.43 : Change hemisphere and sleep outside under unfamiliar stars.44 : Follow my instincts.45 : Be playful and adventures.46 : Create a crowdfunding project on behalf of a good cause.47 : Work less, create more.48 : Learn to speak an additional foreign language fluently.49 : Memorize the names and be able to identify all whales.50 : Hear the clapping sounds of aurora borealis.51 : Learn to surf.52 : Paint on a building of war.53 : Sleep at the Jukkasjärvi Icehotel.54 : Write down my ideas.55 : REMEMBER the one idea or invent one as good as that one I forgot.56 : Teach what I learned or run for government.57 : Make ØØØØ.dk rhyme zone with ecology.58 : Drink a cold Carlsberg watching Earth from the surface of the moon.59 : Learn to fold my own parachute.60 : Stay disconnected for a while.


List61 : Stop moving around so much.62 : Eat more cake on average and stay healthy.63 : Dare to be the first to condemn injustice.64 : Go out of my way to help friends as well as strangers.65 : Live by design and don’t give a fuck.66 : Be thrifty. Spend resources carefully, they oblige.67 : Buy a charm in Peru, Easter Island or French Polynesia.68 : Send a message in a bottle.69 : Write we could something in blink and see IT work.70 : Go on a hot air balloon ride in Tanzania.71 : Become a blood donor.72 : Practice meditation and experience my kids learning this.73 : Learn to hold my breath for five minutes.74 : Experience a whale breach.75 : Take a picture every day for a year.76 : Make a rainbow rose.77 : Hike Kilimanjaro or reach a base camp.78 : Don’t get any more tickets from the police.79 : Stream porn flicks at a hotel, pay with the business card and sort it out afterwards with HR.80 : 3D print my own terraces of solar roadways.81 : Sing karaoke at a bar.82 : Deliver back that book from the library so many years late.83 : Buy a book from a used bookstore and read it.84 : Just fall asleep, wake up and do it again..85 : Avoid taking a selfie running from the Pamplona bulls.86 : Listen to neighbors having a blast and still be happy about it.87 : Don’t lose to many life points, stay alive.88 : Visit Avannaata Qimussersua and maybe buy a .gl domain.89 : Pay 10.000 € for something.90 : Join some big poker tournament.


List91 : Ride the public transportation on a all free blue card even for tourists.92 : Be smart always.. Bum Bum.93 : Build a business that builds parking lots of solar roadways.94 : Find a home in a loft.95 : Buy new teeth for the sake of health and longevity.. right96 : Learn to make the water drop dessert mizu shingen mochi.97 : Buy something expensive really cheap in a flea market.98 : Invent a new word and have it accepted by Oxford English Corpus.99 : Help my sons get really nice youth jobs.100: Be more demagogue.101: Deploy a customized web app for clients every day for a year.102: Work for charity not door-to-door collecting (Did I do this one already?).103: Shake hands with Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.104: Create a wicked website for something obscure.105: Invent a hair trimmer that that perfectly trim the back of my neck without help.106: Do not go on a round-about (lower your expectations friend).107: See the fairy pools in Scotland.108: Go on a carnival date.109: Sleep on a beach somewhere exotic but safe.110: Live in a luxury hotel for a year.111: Feed elephants.112: Go cliff jumping, climb backup and do it again.113: Make a call from a London phone booth while they are still around.114: Make a painting by balloon darting.115: Soak in the hot springs of Island.116: Become polylingual.117: Author a pixie book in an mobile app.118: Earn a title.119: Write a nice letter to a random address. They write back.120: Zip-line between Spain and Portugal.


List121: Survive at good health until at least 2050.122: Ride on a glass-bottom boat.123: Take a long break from our harsh reality.124: Throw a dart on a world map blindfolded and travel to where ever it lands.125: Become nominated and not as the dark horse of the bunch.126: Kiss every day for like ages.127: Build a hut in a tree.128: Take pictures under water.129: Stargaze in the middle of nowhere.130: Say “I do” only to my twin flame.131: Grow my own food, at my own farm, with my own water.132: Be the honor attendant for one of my friends.133: Give 100 compliments in a day.134: Go to a movie grand premier.135: Be shut up with a kiss.136: Carve me and myn in the bark of a tree.137: Plant a tree and experience children enjoy that tree with a swing.138: Try a caramel apple.139: Walk inside the Rhode Glacier, Switzerland.140: Eat cannoli in Italy.141: Do something that really scares me (Have no clue what that is).142: Create a time capsule for my grandchildren.143: Buy a homeless person a full meal.144: Help a struggling entrepreneur.145: Play twister adults only.146: Go on a double date.147: Learn to let go even of important things.148: Experience years of healthy stability.149: Build an igloo with my kids again.150: Participate in a wipeout kinda tv show.


List151: Get the matching tattoo, preferably dragons.152: Explore a real castle.153: Tour Googleplex on invite.154: Read a personal diary (Not a published book).155: Go zorbing.156: Have a talk with a spiritualist about past life’s.157: Bungee jump from somewhere really high up.158: Scuba diving at Easter Island.159: Visit the edge of the world or White Cliffs of Dover.160: Try the suspended capsule biking agro ventures in Rotorua, New Zealand.161: Smile to strangers.162: Visit a lavender field in France.163: Stay at the Four Seasons hotel in Bora Bora.164: Make a tan tattoo.165: Run the rocky steps and shout Adrian.166: Visit the sky deck in Chicago.167: Start a business not in I/T.168: Just go not knowing where is next.169: Write something in wet cement.170: Attend comic-con in a costume.171: Write more blogs.172: Visit Palacio de Cristal, Parque del Retiro, in Madrid.173: Forget my birthday.174: Live on Mars.175: Learn to extract money using the ambiguity effect.176: Thrive.177: Plan accordingly and have a plan B/C and D.178: Play more.179: Watch a horror movie with the one I love.180: Next time, sit it out.


List181: Drink more champagne.182: Come up with profound UI designs.183: Plant new trees.184: Kiss and caress her in a mud bath.185: Do not forget to sing and dance.186: Learn to let go.187: Spend years on a secret project.188: Carry the Olympic flame.189: Find my home in a house with a garden.190: Own a proximity flight suit and use it often.191: Tie messages to balloons and let it fly free.192: Fill a jar with memories and pass it on as a time capsule.193: Dye my hair blue and white again.194: Loose my second virginity.195: Put soap in a public fountain.196: Learn to do basic sign language.197: Experience the scent of Mirabilis Jalapa in Peru.198: Eat home cooked meals often.199: Gain 20 lbs by 2016.200: Ice skate the Amsterdam canals.201: See parrots in the Amazonian jungle.202: See molten larva from a live volcano.203: Stay in bed for an entire weekend.204: Build a sand castle and a sandman.205: Make a stranger laugh.206: See northern lights.207: Be humble and cherish the yearly free trip around the sun.208: Do not be afraid to follow the white rabbit or to pick the red marble.209: Preserve my mental age of a tiny tot.210: Quit smoking


List211: Stick with it.212: Build bold new ideas.213: Try to solve the basic pains.214: Know the blood type of my loved ones.215: Keep better passwords.216: Learn to unlearn learned helplessness.217: Write love letters, fold them as paper planes and let them fly free.218: Trust the ASI will help the human race.219: Bow in public to superhero Elon Musk.220: Watch a ballet.221: Pay to be a fan of Google ;) Go buy Google RED everybody. Now please.222: Win in PlayStation playing my gamer gurl<3223: Swim in a blue void.224: Never be in a position where I am all alone.225: Have a yoga strip dancer as roommate.226: Never again have a strip dancer as a roommate.227: Never compromise on quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.228: Type fasters than my hands can physically handle.229: Help the planet before time.230: Be someone that makes a thousand cats do the same thing, simultaneously.231: Learn that very special song toca toca encanta en español.232: Play guitar at metro in Barcelona and perform Cama de rosas.233: Learn to sing Despacito and that other song in Spanish.234: Walk bare feet in way too hot sand.235: Have a girl beside me at all times.236: Start designing hours not working them.237: Stop living a hitchhiker’s life.238: Live in a house with no doors.239: At the end, kick the bucket. It has to be the end though!

Courteous Jovial Novel Keen Intuitive Interested Motivated Mighty Admire Chromatic Believe Blue Kindness Meditation Practise Bounce Dolphin Balance Difference Focused Free Gentle Imagine
