



2025-03-12 06:41:26 HALFWAY NOWHERE

Halfway Nowhere

The love of my life doesn't realize she is in hell.Your singing brings tears to my eyes. This quaint melody from so long ago... stirs up all wonderfully bittersweet coming-of-age feelings I haven't felt in so long. Images of youth, bliss, despair, dreams, death, destruction, love, warmth - all flashed through me in 3 minutes and 47 seconds. Thank you for helping conjuring up all those memories that were hidden inside for so long. I miss you. I really really miss us. Mit valg skal bringe mig Set hørt rørt følt forstået respekteret værdsat energi overskud mening vilje lethed sjov passion glæde lyst, lyst til at give, ro afslapning spænding samhørighed tilfredshed høren hjemme nysgerrighed, sorgløshed væren empowerment ideer inspiration perspektiv selv accept grounding puls //michael

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