



2025-03-12 06:36:54 INVENTIONS FOR OUR TIME

Inventions For Our Time

I do not desire a flashy new car, expensive bling or even new shoes. I do not crave a ring on my finger nor to cage angles or nerdy birds. All I long for is to be recognized in the private of what I call my home; touches, hugs, kisses and fulfilling conversations. All I need is stability; food, shelter and loving peace. What I offer in return is all of me, genuinely. Share with me your secrets, the good and bad, and I will give you my heart and the depths of my soul. Touch me. I am vouched for. I will never betray your trust. Fuckered: To be totally fucked, but in a fixable way.

Courteous Jovial Novel Keen Intuitive Interested Motivated Mighty Admire Chromatic Believe Blue Kindness Meditation Practise Bounce Dolphin Balance Difference Focused Free Gentle Imagine

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